Additional Resource Base for Autism
Who is the ARP for?
The ARP is for eighteen primary aged pupils from Year 1 to Year 6, with a primary diagnosis of Autism. All of the pupils have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Places in the ARP are allocated through liasing with the London Borough of Bromley's SEN Team.
Our ARP Lead is Rebecca Crisp who can be contacted via the school office
How does my child gain a place in the ARP?
Applications for the ARP are separate to mainstream admissions. Children who currently attend our mainstream Academy will have to go through the same process as all other students requesting a place at the ARP. If you wish to apply for a place in Harris Primary Orpington’s ARP you will need to contact your child’s assigned case worker. They will submit your child’s EHCP and supporting documents to the school, where the Federation SEND Lead, Head of Academy, School SENCO and ARP Lead will read the information shared with and decide on suitablity to the ARP. Your case worker will communicate the school’s decision back to you.
Admissions are based on the documents submitted to the school. An observation may also be carried out, although this does not guarantee a place.
To visit the ARP prior to making your decision, please contact us to visit and chat to either our ARP Lead , Rebecca Crisp on
Where is the ARP?
The ARP is located in our main school. We have our own learning area, which is organised to ensure children with Autism feel safe and calm in the learning environment. We have separate play areas for some of the children in the ARP who find the mainstream playground over-stimulating.
We have two classes – one for KS1 and one for KS2. Each class has a qualified teacher and two SEN support assistants.
What is the ARP curriculum?
All of our staff have extensive knowledge and training on autism and inclusion. The aim of our ARP is that all students feel included and accepted, which will build their confidence and enable them to access mainstream for a selection of lessons. We encourage our students to be as big a part of the mainstream school as possible while providing an emotionally secure place for our students at times where they may find aspects of mainstream school demanding.
Due to the nature of the ARP curriculum, children may move between classes or remain with one teacher for more than one academic year. This very much age and ability dependent and decided by the ARP team along with the external agencies working with the children.
To learn more about our curriculum click here
What other agencies are involved?
Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) - Specialist ASD Speech and Language Therapist
Our therapist creates a personalised speech and language therapy programme, based on their progress and EHCP Targets, that is shared with all staff working with the children. Each class also receive social and communication group sessions where the children focus on age specific and social communication needs associated with Autism
Educational Psychologist (EP) - Mr Peter Maggs, Senior Educational Psychologist
The ARP works closely with Bromley’s Educational Psychology team, where a specific psychologist is allocated to the ARP for regular liaison and review of pupils' progress. Specific consideration is given to reviewing the progress of pupils in Year 5, before their transfer to secondary school.
Our KS1 and KS2 children are assessed using the National Curriculum including the Engagement Model where necessary. They are assessed using standardised testing at their abliity level. SEN (Special Educational Needs) Support Plans are reviewed and written each term for all of the ARP pupils. If your child is academically and emotionally able to access the Y1 Phonics Screening or Key Stage 1 and 2 SATS we will support them in doing so.
Communication with parents
Many of the children travel to school each day on transport provided by the Local Education Authority. Class Dojo helps us provide an opportunity for parents and staff to communicate on a daily basis. In addition to the Education, Health and Care Plan Annual Review meeting, parent review meetings are held each term to discuss each child's progress. Parents are welcome to call or email their class teacher if they have any questions.
Transitions into the ARP are personalised to each child. The ARP lead and their new class teacher will visit your child in their current school to meet and observe them. They will speak to the adults working with your child and create a transition plan that will best support the change that your child will be experiencing.
We work with our local secondary schools to ensure transition is smooth to their new setting. We have recently had children move to Glebe, Browns and Riverside.